Voice Teacher
With over 20 years of experience as a voice teacher, Jared Ice has worked exclusively with more than 1,000 individuals in one-on-one coaching sessions, guiding each student on their unique journey to becoming a confident singer. Based in Darmstadt, Germany, Jared offers private lessons both online and in person at his studio. His teaching expertise extends beyond private lessons, having conducted masterclasses in both Europe and the United States.
Jared is the founder of International English Choirs, which brings together hundreds of singers throughout Germany. The choirs are guided on a curriculum developed by Jared and implemented by instructors that have completed his training program. He also regularly hosts webinars on singing and performance techniques for various organizations, sharing his insights with a global audience.
A versatile and accomplished performer, Jared holds a Master’s degree in Singing from the University of Washington. His professional singing career spans operas, country-western bands, musicals, jazz, rock, and pop ensembles across international stages.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced vocalist, Jared Ice can help you develop your voice and achieve your musical goals. Contact him today to schedule a lesson.
“Whatever your singing goals may be, I’m confident that my experience can help you achieve them.”
Student Testimonials
“Working with Jared has not only taught me many things about singing, such as technique, but also about the way music works in general. I’ve been taking lessons with him for a few years now and love how I keep gaining new insights and inspiration for working with my voice.”
“Der Gesangsunterricht bei Jared ist wirklich toll. Ich hatte zuvor noch nie Gesangsstunden und gehe nun seit einigen Monaten regelmäßig zu ihm. Jared versteht es, auf seine Schüler einzugehen und weiß um die Hemmungen und Blockaden, die man insbesondere als Anfänger hat, wenn man seine Stimme gerade erst kennenlernt. Dabei ist er geduldig und einfühlsam und erschafft eine sehr angenehme Unterrichtsatmosphäre. Auch die Terminabsprache funktioniert super, ist flexibel und unkompliziert.”
“Learning from Jared has been nothing short of transformative for my singing. Since working with him, I’ve received more compliments on my technique than ever before. He’s helped me uncover resonance in my lower range I didn’t even know existed, while increasing both the volume and beauty of my voice across my entire range—all in just weeks! Jared’s methods are 100% backed by vocal science, but what truly sets him apart is his ability to tailor his teaching to each individual. Whether you think in scientific terms or prefer a more abstract approach, Jared adapts seamlessly to ensure you connect with the material. He’s deeply invested in helping you succeed and constantly expands his own knowledge to bring you the best. Jared isn’t just a coach—he’s a teacher in the truest sense of the word. I trust him with my voice completely and only wish I had found him sooner!”
“Jared ist ein super Gesangslehrer, der immer genau versteht, wo ich gerade stehe, und mich dort abholt. Mit seiner humorvollen Art schafft er es, mich zu fordern - auch wenn ich mal nicht so motiviert bin. Ich merke, dass ihm mein Fortschritt wirklich wichtig ist. Außerdem beeindruckt mich sein umfassendes Wissen. Bei Jared fühle ich mich optimal betreut..”
“Seit über zehn Jahren arbeite ich mit Jared an meiner Stimme. Dank seiner mitreißenden Begeisterung und seines motivierenden Enthusiasmus darf ich Musik mittlerweile mit ganz anderen Ohren genießen. Danke für unzählige kurzweilige Stunden, eine unerschütterliche Geduld und tausend neue Eindrücke”